I have moved 28 times - lived in six states - graduated NYU film school - interned at MTV - made industrial training videos - videotaped surgery - played in a rock band - spent a day with Mr. Rogers - spent an evening with Jim Henson - drew storyboards for Muppets From Space - performed some background Muppets - designed some Muppet characters - animated five short films for Sesame Street - and spent an afternoon inside Abbey Road Studios . . . all in preparation for a career as a children’s book author and illustrator. At least that’s what I like to tell myself.

But I think the seed was really planted long before I knew what the word “career” meant. Every weekday I watched the great children’s TV host, Gene London, as he told (and performed) captivating stories, while images came to life on his drawing table. Fortunately, we became friends and I was able to thank him. Thank you, Gene! Thank you! Thank you!

I write and illustrate most of my books, although I also write for other illustrators and illustrate for other authors. I am thrilled to have several of my books included in school curriculum, and some translated into Spanish, Chinese, and Braille. I am also grateful to have won some awards and honors along the way. One of my biggest honors has been to speak about my work on stage at the 92nd Street Y in New York.

If you’re a Muppets fan, you may want to check out a Vodcast/Podcast I started during the pandemic with my brother Bill, who is one of the Muppet performers, writers, directors, and producers. Lots of great guests! Click here: The Barretta Brothers (WARNING: Not all content is for young ears).

  I have stopped moving around for the time being and live in Bryn Mawr, PA with my son and two cats.